We are having some fun creating images with superhero’s!

Superhero Children’s Contest
Come join the fun, either by having your favorite superhero photographed or sponsering a child with medical issues.
(we have a list you can sponser)
The contest was in part inspired by Nancy’s work with volunteer photogrpahy she does with cancer kids and families. The idea grew and is a creative collaberation wiht Haugen’s Galleri, in Monmouth, Oregon. We both have a passion for kids and helping others!
Read more about it on our blogsite:
The contest is going on April 1-30 and Voting will be in Mid May.
Entry Fee’s go directly to Doernbecher’s Children’s Foundation,
well as the contest voting for People’s choice Award.
Part of our session is creating an Expression Series: How fun is this?

Superhero Children’s Contest
Get on the books today!!! Here are a few of the cute superhero’s that we have created images of.

Superhero Children’s Contest. Portland, OR

superhero childrens contest, West Linn, OR

Superhero Children’s Contest, West Linn, OR

Superhero Children’s Contest
Nancy with her superhero’s post session. I photographed this guys a few years ago, bald and beautiful when cancer had just arrived. Now, on the healthy side of cancer, we are so excited for Jack and Lincoln!!!

superhero childrens contest, West Linn, OR
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