West Linn Family Portrait Food Raiser, Year Eight!
2020 has been unique, challenging, and unprecedented… to me, there is NO better time to create your family portraits to remember this monumental year by?
Over the years, we have created hundreds of family portraits in West Linn and donated over 5000 lbs of food to the West Linn food pantry. In a time of a global pandemic, with fires in our amazing state, this will not stop us from creating for you!
In this year of change and PIVOT I have worked to change up the West Linn Portrait Food Raiser and am offering two dates & two new locations! We specialize in Family Portriats, and will offer one day in West Linn and another close by in Lake Oswego.

In year 8 I am challenged with safely photographing for the family portrait food raiser. I typically photograph a lot of families in one day, creating many touch points. Touch points are something I am working to limit with covid-19. After taking time figuring it out, WE have done it. The West Linn food bank gave me valuable information. I decided to make it a donation based event, to lessen the ‘touch’ points to help us all stay healthier!
As of now, I have the above two dates available for the portrait food raiser for family portraits. With the OR fires and my parents on the evacuation line, it has delayed me getting information out. With that said, if these dates do not work contact me. I will offer a few regular sessions with half the session fee donated to the West Linn Food Pantry, Win-Win. (Session fee is $250)
This is the year to create a family heirloom and give a gift to others. Donation link is below.
Here are details on the Family Portraits West Linn. Here is the information to schedule your session & donate to the West Linn Food Pantry. Looking forward to creating for you!
$25 will feed a family of two for 3 to 5 days – 10 minute session
$50 will feed a family of four for 3 to 5 days – 20- minute session
$75 will feed a family of six for 3 to 5 days – 30 minute session
$100 will feed a family of eight for 3 to 5 days – 1 hour session
PLEASE make a note in your donation that you are donating to the PORTRAIT FOOD RAISER.
***$25 donation that feeds a family of two for 3 to 5 days would be approximately 50 pounds of food.
***Each 10 minute session time will be ONE area at the location
The website, www.westlinnfoodpantry.com has a link to their PayPal account. There you can make individual monetary donation online. Or mail a check to WLFP at 1683 Willamette Falls Drive, West Linn. The West Linn Food Pantry is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, your donations are tax deductible. PLEASE NOTE ON YOUR DONATION YOU ARE A PART OF THE PORTRAIT FOOD RAISER. THANK YOU.
If your non profit, school, or organization is in need of a portrait donation, please contact Nancy here.
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