Gotta practice what you preach, right? Well, I sure did as I spent the day with one of my portrait artists friends, Connie Mintz. She has a fabulous space in Vancouver & is a seriously talented portrait artist. We had hair & make up done then played int he studio for a few hours. We practiced new ideas, posing, lighting and created new headshots for each other. Great fun and inspiring. Great timing as I am running a headshot special in March & April which includes my very talented make up artist Alyssa, your portrait session & multiple images to choose from. You can schedule your session here!

What I like to say is let’s create the real you… bring lots of clothing ideas and we will work together to create the look you like! Yes, as you see, I’m a lifelong blazer fan… first game was with my dad at Christmas 1976! Yes that’s the season they were champs!~ A memory I’ll never forget. So had to wear my Dame jersey.

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