- a feeling of great pleasure; delight.”the enchantment of the mountains”
- the state of being under a spell; magic.
It’s great using unique ideas and bringing them to life. This particular session I have thought of for a while now but decide to try and create the Flower Crowns on my own. After a trip to Michael’s Craft Store, a few late nights figuring out what I was doing, looking at pinterest boards, I then decided this was fun! (and I only got a few hot glue gun blisters) I also found most of these wonderful dresses for a very reasonable price, so I have added them to my style closet! (i have a pile of hats that’s pretty high too)
Thanks for playing ladies, you all look amazing.

Portland Creative Senior Photography

Portland Creative Senior Photography

Portland Creative Senior Photography

Portland Creative Senior Photography
As you may see, SEO, blogging and this part of technology is a weak spot for me but I am trying to rejuvenate and start again. Wish me luck!
Schedule update, we have a few August openings and are currently booking fall sessions.
Seniors: know your yearbook deadline, it sneaks up on us.
Families: Capture THIS time, before it’s gone.
Weddings: Lets us show just how beautiful your LOVE is.
Business: Your head shot is the first exposure you have to your new clients, make it reflect you. What’s your current head shot say about you? Make it approachable, clean, and now lets help you make money!
Portland Creative Senior Photography
Happy summer. Book your session. Let’s play.
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