Grand Imaging Awards PPA, Nancy Steele awarded Third!

Grand Imaging Awards PPA Third Place
Eyes of Innocence
Shock, Surprise, Joy, Blessed, Happy, Proud……
I really do not have words to express the honor I have just received! I will try to fill you in on the excitement… I was not able to be in Atlanta this week for Imaging USA, which is the national convention for PPA, but I received the largest news of my career from friends… saying I received THIRD place in the Grand Imaging Awards (GIA’s) for the image, “Eyes of Innocence”.
Thank you Jamie for allowing me to capture your beautiful spirit and allowing me to play.
The process of creating a print competition image is new to me and a journey I just began recently. The process is extremely technical, creating a near perfect image to score well. There are 12 elements to an image, in which the criteria makes it worthy of a merit. It’s a very involved process that I am overjoyed to have achieved this early in entering competition. This being the first time I have entered on this level. I began entering our state competition last March with this image and a few others. Regional competition is next and the image was ‘sealed’ at that level, meaning it has a merit if entered into international print competition, From there onto the national/international level. l am working to achieve my Master Photographer with PPA and I need print competition merits to achieve this. I already have the service merits needed for this but have to enter competition. I am motivated.
So once a print goes Loan, it is in the mix for the Grand Imaging Awards. This is the best of the best. When a print goes to the prestigious Loan Collection, the judges choose the top ten in each category. “Eyes of Innocence” is a high school senior image, chosen in the top TEN……. WOW, just WOW. I am so honored to be included, let alone chosen THIRD nationally. I have never entered at this level, so am so honored and excited to received this achievement. Even more exciting is knowing the level of skill Dan Mcclanahan has, who was awarded not only First place, but second also. Especially fantastic as I know him personally. To be on the list with him and so many others leaves me speechless….excited, and elated!
Thank you all for the words of love and encouragement on social media and emails of delight. I am so thankful for each and every client, willing to trust me to creating cherished moments in your lives. This past year has been the most challenging of my life and career, so to begin the year with such a wonderful accomplishment, is especially fantastic.
In December, I was awarded the Jerry Auker Service award by OPPA. This award is a state level award for community service in our industry. I am very honored and proud to have received this diminished award for my work in the Portrait Food Raiser. I created the portrait food raiser in 2013 and have continued each November to donate a total of 1251 lbs of food to the West Linn Food Pantry. Thanks to all that have contributed to this fantastic community event!
Happy New Year to everyone… New Year New Blog… I have been very neglectful in ’15 about blogging, but this year I resolve to blog… once a month, heck once a week would be great. I’ll also be sending our regular newsletter in the upcoming weeks with lots of wonderful information on the new year, model information, and a few fun new changes to business! If you’d like to sign up for that you can hit the link and get on our list!
Thank you all for trusting me to your precious images of your loved family…
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