I am looking so forward to summer, sunshine, maybe even a bonfire at the beach? How about you? With the way this year has been so far, relaxing is what we all need to be doing. I don’t know about you but living through a pandemic has been tough. I am grate to be an entrepreneur, but it’s definitely challenging right now. Even with Twenty years of business experience it has not prepared me for this.
Back to fun and happy thoughts… this week is about my favorite week of the year, the Annual summer Beach week! It’s here, July 19-26th. It falls during our anniversary week, so it’s a great time to relax during the day and create at the evening time. It’s a working vacation and I will have three to four sessions available.
Want to join the fun? We will create lasting images for your family or HS Senior… and we even will even have a bonfire at the end!
Here’s a link to schedule your session time, what’s better is you receive a fabulous session reduction by coming during the time I am there. See you in the sand!!! Here’s the link to the BEACH CALENDAR. https://calendly.com/nancysteele/2020-beach-session-july-19-26
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